Dutch Ridge is a neighborhood in Littleton, CO that is known for its scenic views and convenient location. The neighborhood sits on the edge of the city, bordering open space and offering stunning views of the mountains. Dutch Ridge is also conveniently located near many major shopping centers and restaurants. In addition, the neighborhood features several parks and trails, making it a great place to take a walk or go for a run. With its beautiful scenery and convenient location, Dutch Ridge is an excellent place to call home.
Dutch Ridge has a population of 3,462. The median age in Dutch Ridge is 35.1 years, and the median income for households in the area is $85,591. 62.8% of residents are married and 9.1% have children under the age of 18 living in their home. Dutch Ridge is a relatively diverse neighborhood, with residents hailing from all corners of the globe. 38.2% of residents were born in the United States, while 21.4% were born in India. Other top countries of origin include China (7%), the United Kingdom (4%), and Mexico (3%). The average commute for residents of Dutch Ridge is 25 minutes, and nearly everyone who lives in the neighborhood (96%) drives to work alone. However, Dutch Ridge is well-connected to public transportation, with multiple bus routes running through the neighborhood. In addition, the area is home to a number of parks and recreation centers, making it a great place to live for families and outdoor enthusiasts alike.
Dutch Ridge is known for its quality education. The neighborhood is home to both private and public schools, as well as a number of early childhood education programs. Dutch Ridge Elementary School is one of the top-rated public schools in the state, and it offers a challenging curriculum that prepares students for success in college and beyond. Private schools in the area include the Academy of Notre Dame, a Catholic school that provides an excellent education for students in grades K-8. In addition to traditional academic offerings, both public and private schools in Dutch Ridge offer extracurricular activities such as sports, arts, and music programs. As a result, families who choose to live in Dutch Ridge can be confident that their children will receive a well-rounded education.
Dutch Ridge is a neighborhood with a rich history and plenty of scenic beauty to offer tourists. The area was first settled by families of Dutch descent in the late 1800s, and many of the original homes and farms are still standing today. Visitors can take a self-guided walking tour of the historic district to learn more about the area’s heritage. The Dutch Ridge also offers several hiking trails with stunning views of the Rocky Mountains. In addition, the neighborhood is home to a variety of shops and restaurants, making it the perfect place to spend a day or two exploring all that Colorado has to offer.
Overall, Dutch Ridge is a great place to live. The homes are well-maintained and the neighbors are friendly. The community is close-knit and there is always something going on. If you are looking for a quiet suburb with a sense of community, Dutch Ridge is the perfect place for you.
For those who enjoy the great outdoors, Chatfield Bluffs is another perfect place to call home. This neighborhood is located in southwest Littleton and offers residents stunning views of the Rocky Mountains. There are also several parks nearby, making it easy to get outside and enjoy the fresh air. In addition to its natural beauty, Chatfield Bluffs is also a great place to live for its sense of community. neighbors are friendly and there is always something going on.